SCAMA WARCAT (Water Resources and Climate Assessment Tool)
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NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) - 20-Day Precipitation Forecast Ensemble
Based on 8 Most Recent 4-Member Ensemble Forecasts Produced Every 6 hours (Previous 2 Days)

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Local Time in Domain of Forecast Data Points: UTC - 7hrs (MST)
Click once on any data series to lock its highlight. Click again to unlock. Click-and-drag to zoom on either axis. Double-click to reset zoom.
Use the X-Axis Range Selector handles at each end to zoom the time period for dragging. Its mini-plot shows the average of all data traces (including those not visible).
CFS Forecast Ensemble Average and Median (All Ensemble Members)
Average Median
CFS Forecast Ensemble Members m1-m4
m1 m2 m3 m4

| Real-Time Gauge Climatology | Streamflow 5-Day Forecast | Precip 20-Day Forecast | Precip 3-Month Forecast | Precip 3-Month Wetness | Streamflow 1-Month Projection |
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SCAMA WARCAT v1.0   Copyright © 2016  Hydrologic Research Center